The alternate title to this post is, “Things I Learned About Brussels that Might Not Be Entirely Accurate Because I Took the Tour One Day and Two Countries Ago”
1. It was carved out of two other countries (France and the Netherlands) so it also has two official languages (French and Flemish) and has a bit of an identity complex in its old architecture (Ornate or modern?) and a bit of a Napoleon complex when building new things (make it bigger!).
2. It is the Capitol of the European union. If you ever hear the news talking about “Brussels decided such-and-such” (not that you will in the states) it is talking about the governing entities for the entire EU.
3. Some of their stoplights are for bikes!
4. This is the home of the famous ‘peeing boy’ fountain. There is also a statue of a peeing dog.
5. Belgians are very proud of their very sour beer. Luckily they also make very delicious, not-sour beer.
6. They are also known for their fries. They taste like many other fries, but they have a lot more sauce options.
7. Something about Rin Tin Tin.
8. Belgians really do eat waffles!
9. 80 degrees (F) is sweltering in Belgium.
10. I never saw a brussel sprout expect as a part of a statue.