Get a postcard from Ellen!

Hey, readers — I’m bringing old-school travel habits back, and you can get in on the fun!

I’m working on building up my email list, so as a thank-you for subscribing now through Dec. 31, 2015, I’ll send you a postcard from one of my upcoming destinations!

I’m talking a physical, hand-written, personalized-just-for-you, definitely-not-a-mass-email postcard. Just for giving me your email address and agreeing to hear from me about twice a month. What a deal!

Once you’ve subscribed, be sure to fill out this quick form so I have your mailing address (a key part to receiving a postcard). If that makes you squirm a little bit, no worries! I will send you a personalized email upon my return instead.

So where am I going next?

Oslo, Norway

A quick two-night trip with an old friend to see what Oslo is all about! Why Oslo? Because I found a round-trip ticket for £15 so why not??

Munich, Germany and surrounding areas

First leg of a holiday with my husband and in-laws. We’ll be based in Munich but hopefully taking a few day trips. Any suggestions? Leave me a comment!

Rome-to-Venice, Italy

Second leg of the holiday trip. We’re starting in Rome and heading north for about a week. Places in between are still TBD.

Can’t wait to write to you about my travels.

PS — I would love to regret this decision. Please tell all of your friends by sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter, or your platform of choice!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Lindsey Leesmann

    Take a day trip to Salzburg! Also since you'll be in Munich at the right time of year you must see the Kristkindlemarkts. They're famous for those there.

  2. Gretchen Blain

    Day trip from Munich…I actually really enjoyed neuschwanstein castle. And if you want fun stops between Rome and Venice let Lindsay and I know. We could plan your entire route with places we wish we could go back to!

  3. Ellen!

    Yes! I can't wait! Apparently London has some Christmas markets, but everyone says mainland Europe wins — especially Salzburg. Have you been?

  4. Ellen!

    Um, YES PLEASE! We are a bit overwhelmed by all of our options, but also cautious since we'll be in Italy around New Year's Eve/Day. Whatchyoo got?

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