On Being a Kansas City Baseball Fan Living Abroad in 2015

  • Nobody cares about baseball outside of the US (and maaaaybe Canada and Japan).
  • If you do bring up the World Series, the first comment will be that it’s only played between two countries. Every. Time.
  • People might know who the Yankees are, but no one knows who the Royals are.
  • Games started at 1 a.m. GMT — no bars stayed open that late, which meant no fun fan base to watch with. There was disappointing lack of high-fives. And your husband gets really grumpy if you cheer too loudly at 3 a.m.
  • Nobody wants me to explain the significance of the Royals’ appearance and win in the World Series (see Nos. 1 and 2).
  • When you meet another person from the States, you can’t help mentioning the Royals! And how excited the whole damn city is right now! And … what? No actually, Kansas City is in Missouri … Oh, never mind.
  • The few friends you have made over here have probably blocked you on Facebook due to the incessant posting of Salvy memes and #ForeverRoyal posts.
  • Haters gonna hate, and the only way you can stand up for your team and fellow fans is via Facebook comment threads — arguably the best way to convince someone to change his/her opinion. (Said no one ever.)
  • Social media and streaming websites are a godsend.
  • However, streaming a gigantic parade and rally on your phone on a bus is not the same as watching from a friend’s downtown loft window. 
  • The Mets fan in your Spanish class — the ONE GUY who might appreciate your gloating — didn’t show up the day after the Royals won the World Series. Rude.

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